Floor Drain: Deep Sump w/Non-Clog 21" Top & 10-1/2" Deep Bucket

34920 Series coated cast iron Floor Drain with double drainage flange, weepholes, bottom outlet, round top and removable sediment bucket designed so that extra heavy-duty NON-CLOG grate cannot be replaced unless bucket is in position.

-CBolted Flashing Clamp Device -493/4 Inch Primer Tap
-TSITrap Seal Insert -501/2 Inch Primer Tap
-VPSecured Grate, Vandal-Proof Screws -80Perforated Stainless Steel Basket
-12Square Top, Cast Iron -84S.S. Mesh Bucket Liner
-12-1Square Top, Nikaloy -92Galvanized Cast Iron Parts
-12-2Square Top, Bronze
-15Chained Grate -TThreaded Outlet
-19C.I. Undergrate w/Satin Fin Nik Top -XInside Caulk Outlet
-20C.I. Undergrate w/Satin Fin Brz Top -66No-Hub Side Outlet

34923 3 14-3/4 16-7/8 253
34924 4 14-3/4 16-3/4 253
34925 5 15 16-7/8 253
34926 6 15 17-3/4 253
34928 8 15-1/4 17-3/4 253