Submittal Sheets Available Submittal Sheets Note: Click on underlined Description to view individual submittal sheet OptionDescription Stainless Steel (304) Floor Drain, 10" Square Adjustable Top, 14" Max Depth -DB Dome Bottom Strainer -FB Filter Basket -HG Perforated 1/2 Grate -LG Ladder Grate -MG Anti-Slip Mesh Grate -PFB PRE-FAB BASE WITH MILD STEEL MATERIAL -SB Sediment Bucket -SG Perimeter Drain Grate -SO With Side Outlet -STD GRATE Standard Perforated Grate -3Q Perforated 3/4 Grate Instructions Click on a link to download that Sheet. Check Option Box to select one or more Sheets. Click "Add To List" to add selected sheets to your Submittal List.