CAD Drawings CAD Drawings are provided as reference-only representations of the product. For latest dimensions always consult the current submittal sheet. Available CAD Drawings Variation Description Stainless Steel (304) Floor Drain, 12" Round Top, 10" Deep, No-Hub Outlet. -DB Dome Bottom Strainer -FB Filter Basket -HG Perforated 1/2 Grate -LG Ladder Grate -MG Anti-Slip Mesh Grate -SB Sediment Bucket -SG Perimeter Drain Grate -SO With Side Outlet -SPG Slotted Plate Grate -STD GRATE Standard Perforated Grate -3Q Perforated 3/4 Grate R42653 42653 Revit Drawing R42653-SO 42653-SO Revit Drawing R42654 42654 Revit Drawing R42654-SO 42654-SO Revit Drawing R42656 42656 Revit Drawing R42656-SO 42656-SO Revit Drawing