CAD Drawings CAD Drawings are provided as reference-only representations of the product. For latest dimensions always consult the current submittal sheet. Available CAD Drawings Variation Description Lav Carrier: Floor-Mounted Single with Concealed Arms -AS150 17100-AS150 CARRIER -BB Floor-Mounted, Back-to-Back, Concealed Arms (Formerly 17105) -BB-M1496 Lavatory carrier -BB-M628 Floor-Mounted, Back-to-Back, Concealed Arms Special -ISO ISO option -K165 Lavatory Carrier Floor-mounted, concealed arm -K165AS15 17100-K165-AS150 Carrier -M1496 Lavatory carrier -M1568 Lavatory carrier special -M628 17100-M628 Floor Mounted single lavatory carrier with offset concealed arms -RP-202 17100-202 Fixture Carrier Replacement Parts -RP-202-OS 17100-202-OS Fixture Carrier Replacement Parts -67 Concealed Arm Carrier for Wheelchair Lavatory R17 17100 Revit Drawing