OPTIONS -EXTExtension > 6" (Per Inch Price) TYPE # CAPACITY CUBIC FT SIZE GALLONS 61091 45 340 61092 54 400 61093 72 540 61094 81 610 61095 90 670 61096 108 810 61097 135 1010 Cross Reference Guides This cross reference guide offers the best cross reference from other drain manufacturer’s products to a Josam equivalent series. You may need to add options to the Josam series to match the other manufacturer’s options. In some cases, adding options on a competitor’s model will require a different Josam series than the one selected in this chart. If you need assistance with product cross reference, please contact Josam Customer Service. JR Smith Mifab Wade Watts Zurn
OPTIONS -EXTExtension > 6" (Per Inch Price) TYPE # CAPACITY CUBIC FT SIZE GALLONS 61091 45 340 61092 54 400 61093 72 540 61094 81 610 61095 90 670 61096 108 810 61097 135 1010 Cross Reference Guides This cross reference guide offers the best cross reference from other drain manufacturer’s products to a Josam equivalent series. You may need to add options to the Josam series to match the other manufacturer’s options. In some cases, adding options on a competitor’s model will require a different Josam series than the one selected in this chart. If you need assistance with product cross reference, please contact Josam Customer Service. JR Smith Mifab Wade Watts Zurn